A 2010 graphic novel simply titled Nosferatu that was written by Christopher Wolf and penciled by Justin Wayne.
Vol. I[]
In New York City, photographer Tommy Hutter lives with her girlfriend and muse Elle. Elle is popular among fans of Tommy's due to the provocative nature of the images, but she assures Tommy that while her body can be seen by all, her soul belongs only to her. Tommy receives a call from her employer, Mr. Nox, whom she finds repulsive. She meets with him in his gallery, which is across the street from her and Elle's apartment. He tells her that a friend of his, a German nobleman called Count Orlok, wishes her to travel to his castle and to photos of it to create a showcase. She is reluctant, but eager for artistic inspiration and agrees to go once she learns that the Count will pay for her travels.
Tommy returns home and tells Elle of her opportunity. Elle is not thrilled that she is leaving, but Tommy promises to bring her laptop and write her emails every day. Once her plane lands, Tommy stops at a bar and after a few drinks she refuses the barmaids offer of another, stating that she wishes to impress Orlok and will not jeaporadize it by arriving drunk. Once she says Orlok's name, the bar falls silent, and Tommy knows that she has offended them despite them speaking little English. Once she leaves the bar, a taxi takes her to the edge of Orlok's estate, though the driver refuses to take her any further. before he leaves, he whispers the word "Nosferatu" in her ear.
Crossing the bridge onto Orlok's estate, Tommy is approached by a mysterious figure on a motorcycle. The rider hands her a helmet and she climbs into the sidecar, only to be shocked at the great speed at which they travel. Once it comes to a stop, she climbs out and the rider points to a nearby castle. As she approaches it, Tommy is captivated by the castle's gothic architecture and begins taking photos. She is then greeted by Count Orlok, a tall, thin, pale, ratlike man. He welcomes her and leads her inside.
Attempting to make small talk as she follows him through the corridors, Tommy learns that Orlok has not had a visitor for a long time and comments that she finds the absense of servants strange. A door slams shut and she declares it to be a ghost, but Orlok dismisses belief in such things as superstition. He leads her to the dining room, where a full dinner has been laid out. Orlok reads over the contract and she asks him how he knows Nox, to which he replies that he is merely an acquaintance. As Tommy prepares to eat, but she catches her fork in one of her lip piercings and draws blood. Upon seeing the blood, Orlok lunges at her and she backs away from him, telling him that he has the wrong idea.He assures her that he only wished to inspect her wound and once the meal has finished, he leads her to the library. She comments that he cannot have read them all as it would take a lifetime, to which he replies that it takes several. He places a handful of books before her and leaves to allow her to read them, though she is disturbed to find them full of images of murder, torture and famine.
In New York, Agent Francis Bullner os the Department of Homeland Security gives a presentation to a college class. He showcases photos of plague victims and describes the process by which the virus' germs attack, comparing them to vampires. The students do not take him seriously, with a male student passing a drawing to a female student of Bullner as Frankenstein's Monster. Bullner takes notice of this and humiliates the male student by pointing out what appear to be symptons of syphilis on his body. Once the call is over, Bullner is approached by his assistant who informs him that Orlok, who is one of his persons of interest, has been making purchases.
Tommy awakes the next morning, having fallen asleep in the chair where she was reading. She finds a strange mark on her neck and blood on the corner of a book's page, concluding that she must have fallen asleep on it and given herself a paper cut. She spends the day taking photos of the castle and later that night she shows them to Orlok, who sees a photo of Elle and is struck by her beauty, commenting that she has a "divine throat". He tells Tommy that he wishes to be at the gallery when the photos are displayed and that he must make preparations. Before going to bed, Elle writes an email to Elle detailing her experiences and asks why she had not replied to any of the ones she has sent so far. Meanwhile, Orlok begins to develop an obsession with Elle and paints an image of her on a canvass in his own blood, declaring that they will be together soon and forever.
Vol. II[]
In New York, Nox seduces a woman in a bar and brings her back to his apartment, which he kills her by biting out her throat. He is later arrested and placed in an asylum after biting out the throat of a prostitute in the street. An orderly brings him his lunch and Nox tells him that he is going to murder him and that he has a very unusual friend who is coming for a visit. Nox catches insects out of the air and eats them as he is questioned by a doctor, who asks him why he does it. Nox replies that he wishes to consume blood and that he desire is not limited to insects.
At the castle, Tommy is unable to sleep and searches the word "Nosferatu" on the internet. It leads her to the website BookofVampires.com, which describes vampires and their desire to consume blood. As she goes to leave her room, she finds Orlok standing outside it. Terrified, she rushes back in and hides under the covers. As Orlok enters the room and advances on her, Elle stirs in her sleep in their apartment and rises out of bed. She climbs out of the window and sleepwalks along the narrow ledge at the edge of the building. Orlok prepares to attack Tommy and Elle calls out her name, which Orlok hears, confusing him and leading him to conclude that it may be too soon to indulge his bloodlust.
Once Orlok has gone, Tommy sets about making a plan to escape. Rushing through the castle, she ventures down into the cellar, where she finds Orlok sleeping in a coffin. Unable to find her way back to her room, she discovers a room with several deathly pale people hanging from chains with cuts on their necks. Making her way to the castle entrance, Tommy sees Orlok loading several coffins into a van. Sneaking past him, she escapes to the woods, but in the darkness she trips and falls down a hill before reaching the bridge she crossed when she arrived at the estate.
The next day, Orlok's coffins are taken onto an airfield and loaded onto a plane. However, one falls off a forklift and breaks open, causing several ratsrats to escape. In New York, Fullner tells his assistant that a few years previously, he and his colleagues Schilz, Cofflin and Likens investigated the disappearance of some American tourists in the Carpathian Mountains. His colleagues all died and he discovered that Orlok was responsible, but he was forced out of the investigation by his superiors by his superiors to prevent an international incident. For this reason, he is willing to go to any lengths to keep Orlok out of America including killing him. Knowing the damage it could do to his career, the assistant refuses to help him and quits.
Tommy wakes in a clinic where a nun is caring for her. The nun explains that the clinic have treated many of Orlok's victims over the years. She urges Tommy not to discuss her encounter with Orlok again, warning her that it will only bring her misery. On the plane, the co-pilot discovers the crew lying on the floor pale-skinned and covered in boils. One of them begs the co-pilot to kill him before dying. The co-pilot pulls open a coffin with a crowbar and rats escape from it before Orlok rises up out of it. Consumed by terror at the site of him, the co-pilot jumps from the plane and plummets to his death. Orlok then sneaks up on the pilot as he is demanding to know what is going on.
In New York, Elle writes Tommy an email telling her that she has not had a good night's sleep since she left, being plagued by nightmares and sleepwalking, and that Nox has been arrested. In the asylum, Nox kills the orderly by biting out his throat and escapes. The plane lands in a hangar and Orlok unleashes his army of rats.
Vol. III[]
An air traffic controller inspects the plane and is attacked by the rats. A policeman arrives and attempts to shoot Orlok, but it has no effect and the Count kills him with a wave of his hand. Orlok hides his coffins throughout the city, disturbing civilians who cross his path. He reaches Nox's gallery and finds a note from him telling him to enjoy the snack. Orlok wonders what this is referring to, at which point a delivery boy arrives.
Tommy returns home and she and Elle are overjoyed to be reunited. Elle asks her what happened to her, but Tommy avoids the discussion. Fullner and two of his colleagues inspect the plain and he tells them that Orlok is responsible. Based on the findings on the plane, new anchor M. Livengood puts out a warning that citizens are to stay in their homes and avoid anyone showing signs of illness. As an argument breaks out between some civilians, a blood-drenched Nox arrives and begins antagonising the crow, laughing at them and encouraging them to attack each other. A gangbanger shoots him, but it has no effect and Nox runs away. Believing him to be a terrorist, the crowd chase him and he leads them to the top of a tall building, which he invites them to jump off the edge and die a quick and easy death rather than the slow and painful once the plague will bring. The crowd instead advance on him and throw him off of the roof.
As Tommy sleeps, Elle hears her muttering the word "Nosferatu". She searches it on the internet and discovers BookofVampires.com, where she learns that the vampire leaves a trace of its fang's on its victim's throat, as Tommy has on hers, and that its spell can be broken by one pure of heart who offers herself freely to the beast and keeps it by her side until dawn's first light. As she returns to bed with Tommy, Orlok watches them from Nox's gallery.
Elle tries to find out what happened to Tommy, but she still refuses to discuss it. Fullner knocks on their door and asks to speak to Tommy, who reluctantly accompanies him to his car. Now alone in the apartment, Elle looks out the winodw and sees Orlok across the street. Knowing that this is her chance, she strikes a seductive pose. As the digital clock reads 04:00, Orlok enters the apartment and declares that he will introduce her to indescribable pleasures through pain. He begins to feed on her, to which she begs him to do so slowly. Fullner reveals to Tommy that Nox is dead and Orlok is in the city, leading Tommy to realise that Elle is exposed. As she rushes back inside, Bullner calls an ambulance.
Orlok feeds on Elle for some time before she declares "hurry". He asks if she is eager to die and she replies that she was not talking to him. Noticing that the clock still reads 04:00, Orlok realizes that Elle has tricked him and the dawn is approaching. He attempts to flee, but is attacked by Tommy in the hallway. He throws his into a wall before being shot by Bullner, who he then attacks. As Bullner declares that Orlok is the monster he believed him to be, he buries his thumb in the Count's right eye and urges him to admit it. Orlok slashes Bullner's throat with one of his talons and tries to escape, with Bullner begging him to admit he is a monster as he enters the elevator.
Tommy strikes Orlok with a fire extinguisher, knocking him to the floor. She bludgeons him before he kicks her legs from beneath her. He smashes her head against the elevator's buttons before taking her in a headlock, preparing to finish her off. However, the elevator reaches the roof and exposes Orlok to the sunlight. He cries out about the beautiful and terrible agony he is experiencing as the flames consume and destroy him. Tommy returns to her apartment, where she finds Elle clinging to life. Near death, Elle tells Tommy that her sould belongs only to her.
Joe Robinson gives a news report from St. Mary's Hospital, where he announces that 48 hours after striking the city, the virus is disappating, with seemingly miraculous recoveries among those infected and no new reports of contamination. He attempts to interview Elle, who does not wish to be interviewed. He is told off by Tommy, who is pushing Elle in a wheelchair. He does not back down, which prompts Tommy to break his camera.